Having a blocked drain every now is frustrating enough, but when it becomes a recurring issue it can drive you up the wall. There are a number of things that cause drain blockages to occur over and over. Luckily, Local Plumber Melbourne can provide solutions that will keep your drains clear for good.
Tree root growth is by far the most common cause of drains blocking on a regular basis. Here’s how it happens. Some types of trees in Point Cook have roots that are attracted to cracks in pipes. The roots will grow into these pipes and cause extremely stubborn blockages. When a blockage is caused by tree roots, we generally use a high pressure water jetter to blast them out of the pipes for good.
Another cause of drains getting blocked over and over is a cracked pipe. These cracks will collect waste materials from toilets, causing clogs that will keep on occurring until the drain is properly repaired. If this is happening in your home in Point Cook, we recommend use of our CCTV drain cameras or a complete drain replacement.
Luckily, some stubborn drain blockages are completely avoidable with a bit of common sense. You shouldn’t flush baby wipes or sanitary items down the toilet. They get stuck in the pipe and cause blockages that keep occurring, getting worse over time. You should also be careful that deodorising items and children’s toys don’t get flushed down the drain, as they can cause blockages that are very difficult to deal with.