Nasty debris like oil, fat, grease and food waste are all common culprits of blocked drains in Broadmeadows. When these items decompose, the blockage will create a foul odour that is hard to miss. This smell will be most obvious around kitchen sinks, toilets, stormwater drains and showers. Generally, a bigger blockage equals a more potent smell.
If your fixtures have become noisier than usual, you may have a blockage in your drain. Obstructed pipe systems will make strange sounds throughout your fixtures. If your main sewer drain has gotten blocked, you may notice noise in multiple areas at once. The sound is created by air stuck in the drain when it is pushed through the blockage.
Slow drainage can be frustrating and it can also indicate the presence of a blockage in your pipes. Slow water flow is a result of water having to trickle around or through a clogged pipe. With time, this issue may become worse.